2012  December 9

Riflemaker London

Am trying to move things to the Web gradually — one of them is this show I had in 2007 in London at Riflemaker Gallery, with a review here by Alice Rawsthorn entitled “Rethinking Technology and the Digital Revolution” for the New York Times. Around that period, the Apple iPod was starting to catch on so I made a few pieces out of iPods — one was a fish created out of iPod Nanos and a giant spindle of power lines, and the other was an awkward iPod “couple” on the theme of marriage. In addition I built a few pieces out of single board computers and LEDs — which were exotic for the time, but I recognize are now commonplace. Second Life was “kind of” catching on then, so I appeared in Second Life form remotely in London from MIT. At the time my focus was to lead through making art from my post as a Professor at the MIT Media Lab — I had just also completed my MBA through a course of part-time study. Shortly thereafter, I chose to head in the path of creative leadership of institutions and is why I now lead RISD. -JM

I’ve always made art as a way to gain perspective on an area.

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