2012  January 28

Women x Power

I favorited these tweets by Bill Gross from the Davos special session on “Women Power” – I couldn’t find an article online that covered the session as succinctly as Bill did:

  • “Just last week I saw shirts that said ‘Smart Like Daddy’ & ‘Pretty Like Mommy’ at Gymboree” Sheryl Sandberg of #FB #WEF #Davos
  • “As a woman gets more powerful & successful, she becomes less liked, opposite of men.” A passionate Sheryl Sandberg @ #WEF #Davos
  • “An extra year of primary school can increase a girl’s future wages by 10-20% or more.” Michele Bachelet of UN @ #WEF #Davos
  • “We don’t raise our daughters to be as ambitious as our sons.” laments Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook at #WEF #Davos
  • “Imagine if 1/2 of the world’s population were allowed to reach its full potential.” Women as the Way Forward @ #WEF #Davos
  • “I’ve lived in a society that judged me on something I could do nothing about, the colour of my skin. We’re doing the same w/women” -Tutu #WEF
  • “I got to where I was because I only had to compete with half the population” Sheryl Sandberg quoting Warren Buffet @ #WEF #Davos

This article from the Guardian is close. I was reminded of one of my favorite commencement speeches from last year by Sheryl Sandberg. -JM

Equal pay is an important standard for society to achieve during this century.

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